
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! And I wanted to say "Thanks" for visiting the Museum site.  And in case you are curious, this truck has this week's stats on visits to the museum. This will give you an idea how many visits the site gets on a typical week. More and more people keep showing up and I'm honored that you enjoy it. Take care.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Freeze, Police!

Hey there. Here's a new pic of a couple of Hot Wheels in their HW Main Street Segment. The Charger was issued in 2011 and the 'Vette was issued in 2012. I thought they looked good together.  The Charger is a variation that was a Walmart exclusive.  I love the redlines and I usually buy all of them.

As for the rest of the Super Happy Funtime experience, check out the Facebook page for a very cold picture of a couple of Matchboxes and in the main site I am still putting up mostly Porsches and I am keeping up with my "at least one new picture loaded everyday" rule.

As always, Thanks for visiting.